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1. Outdoor Lighting 

Enhance Property Value and Curb Appeal

Any addition to your home will increase your property value. The beauty of outdoor lighting is you will get an immediate return on your investment while enjoying all the great benefits it will provide you and your family. According to the National Association of Home Builders, 41% of potential buyers rate outdoor lighting as an essential quality for their desired home, and 49% rated it as a desirable quality. By strategically placing outdoor lighting throughout your yard, you can showcase the great features, and increase your curb appeal. Outdoor lights can also be used to highlight the special architectural features of your home. One technique that many designers use is the moonlight effect. With this design plan, light is soft and no brighter than that of a full moon but still illuminates special outdoor spaces. You’ll make all your neighbors jealous with your unique and exquisite outdoor lighting!

Keep Everyone Safe

Not only is outdoor lighting beautiful, but it is also an excellent way to make your home a safer place for your family, friends, and any other guests that visit your property. As mentioned earlier, you can use light posts to illuminate paths, walkways, and even your driveway. It is also important to put lights near any stairs, or uneven areas. The lights will guide people at night which will help prevent injuries from falling or twisting an ankle. This will also reduce the risk of passersby slipping and falling near your property and suing you for damages. Consider installing outdoor lighting in high traffic areas like patios, decks, around the pool, and outdoor seating areas. By using outdoor lighting, you can keep your family safe while enjoying your yard at night.

Outdoor Lighting Deters Crime

One of the most important features of outdoor lighting is adding security to your home and deterring crime. According to most sources, burglary is the most common threat to your home, occurring every 13 seconds in the US. Floodlights are a good way to brighten dark nooks and crannies created by the design of your home. Guests will also feel more comfortable coming to your home at night if they can see a clear path to your front door and your porch is well-lit. Well-maintained landscape lighting shows people that your home is well cared for, which can deter trespassing and theft. If you are worried that constant light will increase your utility bills, you can use lights with motion sensors so that they only come on when people are in range. This will save you money, and surprise people who try to trespass on your property. You can also set timers on your outdoor lights, so that they come on as soon as it gets dark outside or when you are away on vacation.

2. Pool & Hot Tub Wiring 

Why Schedule Professional Pool Wiring Services?

Summer is a great time of the year, one that you can enjoy to its fullest by having a pool or hot tub installed on your property. Anyone who has owned and operated a pool or hot tub before can tell you, though, that maintaining one is a bit more complex than you may think. It is far from just being a hole in the ground filled with water. In addition to balancing pH levels, skimming leaves, and adding necessary chemicals (all of which you can do on your own), you will also require some professional wiring services in order to ensure that your pool or hot tub wiring is completed properly.

Safety First

Right off the bat, we need to tell you that the only way in which to ensure that your pool or hot tub is in safe working condition is to have it professionally wired. It doesn’t matter if you are the handiest homeowner in your neighborhood, or even if you have a bit of electrical background. The fact remains that only a trained, professional electrician has the tools, training, and experience necessary to ensure that the basic wiring that your pool needs is installed and serviced properly. Don’t put your safety at risk by taking chances with wiring in a wet environment.

Great Ambience

Lighting your pool is as much about creating a welcoming, comfortable atmosphere as it is about safety. If you want your underwater light fixtures to shine, and your perimeter lighting fixtures to lead the way to an enjoyable experience, then you need only dial our number to schedule service. Our staff is happy to help you choose the right pool lighting products and fixtures for your needs.

Protect Functionality

Your pool may require air blowers, pump motors, and other wired, mechanical components, including controls for any electrical systems in use. Because these components will likely be exposed to the elements, along with your outdoor sub-panel, it only makes sense to hire a professional to install them. That way, you can count on them functioning properly regardless of elemental conditions outdoors.

3. Electrical Panel Upgrades

Benefits Of Getting Your Electrical Panel Upgraded

Your electrical panel is arguably one of the most essential elements of your home. Not only is it responsible for bringing comfort and convenience in the form of electricity, but it also safely provides power throughout the entire house. However, eventually, an electrical panel upgrade should be considered as over time the panel will become old or outdated.

Depending on your particular goals, you will have a range of options when it comes to completing an electrical panel upgrade. The average cost to upgrade an electrical panel in the Tri-State area will certainly depend on whether you choose to add a few additional circuit breakers to the existing box or expand the box with a sub-panel. To ensure your needs are met, it’s best to consult with a professional electrical contractor like All City Electrical.

3 Reasons To Invest In An Electrical Panel Upgrade

Investing in electrical wiring services should be thought of as a great way to add more value to your home or business. When it comes to an electrical panel upgrade, the time it takes depends on what you’ve selected to do. Adding more breakers is usually a pretty quick job, whereas installing a subpanel can take a few hours.

Regardless of what type of electrical wiring services you choose to enhance your electrical panel, the following benefits are worth the time and investment.

  1. Better electrical performance. If you’ve been dealing with lights flickering or breakers tripping for no apparent reason, you’ll be pleased when your electrical panel upgrade provides you with a more consistent energy supply.
  2. Improved safety. New electrical panels are designed with safety in mind and have come a long way. Panels built 30 years ago just don’t have the same safety protection. Did you know that overloading your electrical panel can is a major fire hazard? An upgrade to your electrical panel will resolve any dangerous issues, improve the safety of your home, and provide you with better peace of mind.
  3. Future growth. If you ever want to expand your home or complete a renovation, upgrading your panel will allow you to be better prepared to meet those needs. You’ll have much more options available once you upgrade, whether you want to add a new addition or just need a few more outlets added during a basement renovation.

As you can see, depending on your needs and your wants, an upgrade to your electrical system can vary quite a bit. If you’re curious about the average cost to upgrade an electrical panel, contact us today. We’d be happy to set up a time to provide you with an estimate.

 4. Air Conditioning Outlets

Benefits Of A Dedicated Air Conditioning Outlet

A dedicated electrical circuit provides a variety of functions and benefits in your home. By getting all your appliances wired properly with this type of circuit, you avoid dangerous problems such as overheating or tripping the breaker. The National Electrical Code states that electrical appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, and stoves must have dedicated circuits, rather than sharing a circuit with other appliances. If you have not already, make sure to contact us today to help you with your dedicated electrical circuits.

What Is A Dedicated Electrical Circuit?

A dedicated circuit has its own circuit breaker and only has one appliance connected to it. If all appliances were to use the same circuit, the devices would most likely be damaged and their efficiency would be impacted. If you have your major appliances on their own circuits, you won’t need to worry about the system becoming overloaded or the circuit breaker constantly tripping.

If you do have any breakers which are always tripping, this is an obvious sign that you need dedicated circuits for those larger appliances to prevent any further damage. Generally, any appliances that are fixed and have their own motors will need a dedicated circuit. Unlike regular power outlets, these will only have one specific appliance using the energy from its own dedicated outlet.

Why Do You Need Dedicated Electrical Circuits?

The lack of proper dedicated electrical circuits poses a serious risk to your safety. The system can become overloaded if more than one large appliance is drawing from it. This means that the wiring insulation overheats and can cause an electrical fire. Separate circuits ensure that enough power is supplied to larger appliances. As a result, anything in your home that uses electricity will be able to operate safely and efficiently. An overloaded system is a dangerous hassle.

Although not high, the initial costs of installing dedicated circuit outlets might seem off-putting. But they will certainly save you money, and provide peace of mind, in the long run. Not having these circuits will cause damage to appliances and create serious and costly safety risks.

Circuit sizes are measured in amps and various size options are used for different devices depending on their electrical currents. We will advise you as to the right size for the right appliance. All fixed appliances need to have a separate circuit, even if they do not have the highest currents.

5. Home Renovation Projects

Electrical Wiring Upgrades To Consider During A Home Renovation

Some electrical wiring problems are not unsafe, but they can be bothersome, making them the perfect candidates for extra projects during a home renovation.

Whether your electrical wiring is really old or it just got installed within the last decade, it can be dated and ready for some upgrades if it’s causing problems.

Because much of your electrical system is concealed behind the walls, it can be easy to overlook when planning a remodel. Consider home electrical wiring upgrades along with all the other items on your home renovation list. When completing a home renovation that involves opening walls and ceilings for other reasons, you have the perfect opportunity to make electrical upgrades.  Ensure you plan for both current needs and what you might need in the future.

Too Few Outlets

If your family has grown, your requirements for electrical power have probably grown even quicker. A home renovation is the right time to install additional outlets on each wall. Families have different needs for extra outlets, such as:

• A home office with some computers and printers

• Older kids’ rooms with televisions and video games

• Outdoor Spaces

• Kitchens with new gadgets or appliances

If you find yourself using multiple power strips and extension cords for your everyday tasks then it’s time to get an electrical upgrade. Your professional electrician can include extra outlets in your renovation plan solving the trouble of having to unplug some appliances before plugging in others.

No GFCIs Installed

GFCIs, or Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters, are designed to instantaneously turn the electricity off if the plugged-in item comes in contact with water or other types of moisture. These safety devices are standard in bathrooms and kitchens now, but if you own an older home they may be missing from your rooms.

It’s a very simple task for us to switch out one type of outlet for another during a home renovation work, but it’s essential for your family’s safety, and may even be required for a renovation, depending on your local building code.

Plugs Fall Out Of Outlets

You plug in an appliance, and a few minutes later the plug is laying on the floor, meaning that you need to upgrade them. Outlets should grip the end of the plug when it’s plugged into the holes. When the clip that’s intended to hold the plug wears out, it allows the plug to slip out and fall to the floor. Regrettably, this situation can cause arcs and sparking, and it’s a fire hazard. Have your electrician change these outlets as soon as possible.

Power Upgrade Needed

Outdated panels have limitations on available space to add circuits or they have fuses.  Many old panels are of low quality or simply stop working and need to be changed.

An electric service upgrade is usually recommended or needed to increase the capacity of the existing electrical service. With all the new appliances and modern devices, we now have in our homes, we find that older homes just don’t have sufficient power available to handle the increased demand. As a result, a service change is required. Another common reasons to change out an existing panel are due to obsolete technology.

Electrical Wiring

Most vintage homes will need to upgrade the electrical wiring at some point. The appliances and technology we own now demand a certain level of reliable power.  A home renovation is the right time to upgrade your knob and tube or aluminum wiring as well as installing new major appliances. If you have to open walls as part of your home renovation, consider making upgrades to your electrical wiring while you have open access. This could be the perfect time to update old wiring for safety, efficiency, and modern gadgetry.

If you are planning a home renovation in the Tri-State area we hope you reach out and tell us a bit about your project and your goals. From there, we’d be happy to help you make your dream project a reality.

6. Ceiling Fans 

3 Benefits of Installing Ceiling Fans In Your Home 

The end of a long winter has come, and spring is here once again. Spring is one of the best times of the year for enjoying the benefits of ceiling fans in your home, which makes now the perfect time to think about installing some. Ceiling fans offer many benefits and make a lasting contribution to your comfort.

Add A Touch Of Style

Ceiling fans come in several stylish choices. You can choose from many different lighting accessories that will make a room shine. The fan’s blades contribute to the aesthetics of a room as well, and there is a multitude of colors and styles from which to choose. From modern-looking stainless-steel blades to fans with the appearance of large leaves, you can find a ceiling fan to complement the style of any room.

Energy Savings

Ceiling fans are best at saving on cooling costs. A fan operates by making you feel cooler, rather than providing a great deal of cooling to the room. Air conditioners spend a lot of energy to bring the temperature of a room down to more comfortable levels, while a ceiling fan can make a slightly warmer room feel more comfortable. Often, a ceiling fan alone is enough to make the room feel great and can save you money all season long.

Modern Convenience

Technology has come a long way since the early days of the ceiling fan. While you can still find fans that simply hang from the ceiling, providing light and air circulation, many modern ceiling fans come equipped with other conveniences.

Ceiling fans now often operate from a remote control that allows you to adjust the fan speed and turn the lights on or off from the comfort of your couch or bed. Some of these are accessible via an app that controls adjustments to your fan from your phone or another mobile device, so it doesn’t matter if you lose the remote. Some ceiling fans now offer Bluetooth-connected speakers, so you can turn your fan into a source of music for a room as well.

Whatever choice you make, the ceiling fan is a great addition to almost any room and will add to comfort and pleasure in your home. Make sure to have your fan installed by a certified electrician to ensure safety and optimal functioning.

7. Generators

Benefits of a Generator to Power the Whole House

The benefits of owning a whole-house emergency generator are many. They include, among others:

  • Indoor climate control during a power outage. Remember, even natural gas heating needs electricity.
  • Preventing food spoilage.
  • Lighting as needed.
  • Power to radio, television, or computers–including for weather bulletins.
  • Ability to run any home medical devices that run on electricity.
  • Qualifies for a discount on your insurance policy.
  • Adds actual value to your home or business.
  • Overall peace of mind and sense of security.

Advice for Using a Generator to Power the House

Along with the safety precautions mentioned above, we have one more piece of advice: if you decide to purchase an entire house generator, take good care of it since it will have been a large investment.

David Agrell of Popular Mechanics says that “Your generator will stay healthy through a lifetime of outages if you”:

  • Check the engine oil daily during use,
  • Run it at no more than 75 percent of its rated capacity,
  • Replace overworked or deformed motor brushes,
  • Avoid starting or stopping it under load whenever possible.

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All of our services are provided with the highest quality materials and craftsmanship. Paying close attention to detail and always maintaining a clear line of communication ensures your project will be completed on-time and within budget.

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